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Location Axis Ponte de Lima

Your accommodation in Ponte de Lima will benefit from an unparalleled strategic location. Close to the main roads - Motorway A3 (Porto-Valença), Motorway A27 (Viana do Castelo - Ponte de Lima), Expressway IC28 (Ponte de Lima - Arcos de Valdevez) and Expressway IC1 (Porto- Viana do Castelo) - the municipality is also 75 km from Porto, 60 km from Vigo and 132 km from Santiago de Compostela.

The sea ports of Viana do Castelo, Leixões and Vigo are 30 km, 75 km and 65 km away from Ponte de Lima, respectively.

Hotel Location
The Axis Ponte de Lima Golf Resort Hotel is 2 km south of Ponte de Lima, next to the N201 road, towards Braga.

If you are coming via the A3 motorway (Porto - Valença), exit at Ponte de Lima. At the first roundabout, head towards Ponte de Lima, then follow the signs indicating the golf course. The entrance is represented in the shape of a golf ball. The Axis Ponte de Lima Golf Resort Hotel is located in the center of the course, approximately 150 meters away.

Rua do Sobreiro nº 346
4990-620 Ponte de Lima

Tel.: (+351) 258 900 250
Call to the national landline network

GPS coordinates
Latitude: 41°45'01.6"N
Longitude: 8°34'24.1"W

A Region to remember and live in

The Ponte de Lima Hotel from the Axis Group allows you to enjoy the proximity of all the “riches” of the Minho region.

So homogeneous and regular, Minho is a whole, consistent and common, where people are full of color, from head to toe, adorned with gold hearts and lace earrings… in their attachment to the pilgrimages that the soul of Minho reveals itself and becomes gigantic. , enveloping in a fraternal embrace all who wish to feel the joyful caress of life's tastes.

Next to the beaches or among the cornfields and vineyards (where the liquid that flows is also green and tasty) freshness prevails. And, in the breezes of time, Minho grows richer and encompasses ever wider and more open horizons.

Traveling through Minho is feeling the playful harmony of a concertina in the late afternoon and the crow of a rooster, in defiance, at dawn.

It’s about feeding your body and spirit, around a table filled with specific and characteristic delicacies and a wine that’s unique in the world. Reflections of gestures repeated, through time, by men and women who inherited and maintain them, in a tradition equal to the very essence of the Minho people.

Meeting History

Minho is land, river and sea. Portugal begins here: And here it was born, in a green-leafed cradle.

Even today, Minho is a land of conquests, adventures and pleasures, with a unique eagerness to maintain a characteristic characteristic of a territory always desired by so many people who, before nationality and coming from various points, settled here.

A sign of this appetite are the heritage testimonies that come across us in each new place. In front of them all, the impressive castles and important fortresses, facing the sea and the interior.

Built by men, they complement the natural defenses of a region surrounded by the blue of the vast sea, powerful rivers and peaceful reservoirs, among rugged, towering hills: the Peneda, Soajo and Gerês mountains.

Minho is historically prophetic and active.

Under the persistent spirit of the feelings of its people, a significant number of temples were built here, still today translated into monumental sanctuaries, frequented and alive in the traditions of its people.

With the actions of men, the path of its natural history developed, between the hot sun that brings joy every day and the cool shade that comforts it every day.

Its sunny houses clearly state this, establishing the parallel between the balance of natural conditions and the work and experiences of those who live here.

Lima Bridge

Located in the Lima valley region and overlooking the river that gave it its name, the town of Ponte de Lima has a set of unique landscape features that have always given this town in Alto Minho its own originality and specificity.

Its historical past, marked by a strong medieval reference that is still reflected today in the urban layout of the town, was supported by an economic structure based on the commercial and mercantile character that was reinforced when, in 1125, D. Teresa granted it a charter, institutionalizing the Fair which, as today, extends across the urban front of the town bordering the Lima.

It was a stronghold of D. Pedro and D. Fernando and played an important role in the time of D. João I. The river, a reference point and ordered axis of the town, was until the dawn of the 20th century a very active means of communication, establishing the connection between the town and the urban centers on the coast and inland of the valley. Crossed by a medieval bridge, built from a Roman one, which established contacts between the two banks and allowed the town to be connected, by land, to other places, having often served as an obligatory passage for pilgrims heading to Santiago de Compostela.

Come and discover the places, the people, the memories and enjoy your accommodation at the Hotel de Ponte de Lima from the Axis Group.

To learn more, visit these sites:

Ponte de Lima City Council

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